Sustainable Horsekeeping is written by Sue Isherwood and is part of the
group of websites.

Friday, January 27, 2012

What to do about Greasy Heel

Had a few requests for info on Greasy Heel as well due to our bad weather. So here it is :

GREASY HEEL is caused by the same bacteria as Rain Scald. As most horse owners know a horse with white socks is more prone to developing chronic greasy heal.

The bacteria burrow into the skin which causes a greasy discharge which mats the hair. The inflamed skin dries out, cracks and can cause discomfort and even lameness.

In horses with white socks the skin reaction is usually more severe due to the lack of pigment and subsequent exposure to UV light. 

Click link below to download
fact sheet

• Gently scrub off the grease and scabs with a warm solution of a mild soap eg. Sunlight Soap using a soft brush. You must do a thorough job. Pat dry and apply a weak iodine solution such as Betadine twice daily until any broken skin is healed.

• Each morning apply a thin coating of Zinc Cream. It will protect from the sun and repel moisture.

• Another solution is to smother the area in a mix of Vaseline (petroleum jelly) mixed with 1/3rd Filtabac - the antibacterial sunscreen available from vets and saddleries. This softens the scabs overnight allowing you to gently rub them off. Then cover the area with Filtabac to heal and protect the skin.

• If possible keep the horse in a dry area away from mud. If a severe case occurs contact your vet as you may need more powerful treatment.

Click here to download Greasy Heel Fact Sheet

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