Sustainable Horsekeeping is written by Sue Isherwood and is part of the
group of websites.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


What's this blog all about?
It's about you. It's about how you can look after your horse and your horse property in a sustainable way. It's about making sure your property is managed with forethought and care, so it will not only serve your horses well, but it will be gentle to the environment and help maintain it for generations to come.

It's about looking after your horse so it will remain healthy for you to enjoy.

Sustainability has become a bit of a cliche over the years. It even sounds a bit boring. I know many people switch off the minute they hear it. But you know what? It is actually very interesting and knowledge of it can help save you money too.

So we are going to look at it. All aspects of it here. We aren't going to follow any set plan. We'll just let it unfold as we go. So feel free to join me on this journey. It's going to be fun and above all will help you get all the info you need to make informed decisions about your horsekeeping.


  1. Great blog...sustainability has not even crossed the minds of most horse owners in the southern US. I am enjoying being reminded of my 'sustainable' equine roots in the UK, and am excited to educate and encourage more responsible horse ownership here in the US. Thanks for a great blog!

    1. Thank you for your comments Equijay. It's often quite surprising that many horse owners don't know the first thing about sustainability and the fact that practicing it can save time and money. Keep up the good work in the USA. The more of us spreading the word the better!
